Patient Resources

Stress and Heart Disease: What You Can Do to Improve Your Heart Health
Working long hours, filling up free time, and taking on additional responsibilities is a way of life for Type A

What is Nuclear Cardiology?
Nuclear cardiology is a subspeciality of general cardiology that involves the use of radioactive substances and advanced medical imaging modalities

Coronary Heart Disease: What Is It and How Is It Treated?
In addition to being the most common type of heart disease, coronary heart disease is the deadliest. In fact, it’s

Maintaining Your Cardiovascular Health May Prevent Cognitive Decline
A research study recently published by Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that individuals with a higher risk

5 Reasons to Undergo a Stress Test
A stress test is performed so that a cardiologist can assess the heart’s condition during exercise. During a stress test,

Preventative Cardiology
There are numerous factors that play into a person’s risk of developing heart disease. A poor diet and lack of