Are People With Heart Disease at a Greater Risk for Coronavirus?
Those suffering from an underlying medical condition like heart disease are understandably concerned over the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The virus has made headlines around the world due to its rapid spread, but are people with heart disease really at a greater risk for coronavirus?
Below, Dr. Sachin Diwadkar, FACC, FASE, the best heart doctor in Tampa Bay, answers this question and provides medical advice on how you can protect yourself from infection. In addition to the advice provided throughout this article, the best thing you can do for your heart health is to remain calm, stay informed, and monitor your condition. For any questions or concerns regarding the coronavirus and your health, please don’t hesitate to contact your medical provider at Ascent Cardiology Group.
Below, Dr. Sachin Diwadkar, FACC, FASE, the best heart doctor in Tampa Bay, answers this question and provides medical advice on how you can protect yourself from infection. In addition to the advice provided throughout this article, the best thing you can do for your heart health is to remain calm, stay informed, and monitor your condition. For any questions or concerns regarding the coronavirus and your health, please don’t hesitate to contact your medical provider at Ascent Cardiology Group.
The Risk of Infection
The American Heart Association is reporting that elderly persons with coronary heart disease or hypertension are at a greater risk of contracting the disease and subsequently developing a serious illness. Although the virus attacks the lungs, it’s the lungs that provide the heart and body with needed oxygen. Furthermore, those with heart disease are more likely to have a weaker immune system. It’s for these reasons that as many as 40 percent of those hospitalized with the coronavirus had cardiovascular disease or cerebrovascular disease.
Related: Staying Active With Heart Disease
Related: Staying Active With Heart Disease
Avoiding Infection
The above information isn’t meant to alarm you but to illustrate the seriousness of the situation. Although people with heart disease are at a higher risk of serious complications from COVID-19, they can still take precautionary measures to protect themselves from infection. If you suffer from heart disease it is imperative that you:
Wash your hands: It’s believed that the coronavirus can survive for as long as three days on some surfaces. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and clean frequently touched surfaces often with disinfectant.
Practice social distancing: Although there is still debate on how exactly the virus is spread, it is known that it spreads mainly from person-to-person. Avoid group gatherings and stay indoors as much as possible.
Take your medications: Continue taking your medications as prescribed. Reach out to your heart doctor in Tampa Bay if you have less than a 30 day supply.
Wash your hands: It’s believed that the coronavirus can survive for as long as three days on some surfaces. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and clean frequently touched surfaces often with disinfectant.
Practice social distancing: Although there is still debate on how exactly the virus is spread, it is known that it spreads mainly from person-to-person. Avoid group gatherings and stay indoors as much as possible.
Take your medications: Continue taking your medications as prescribed. Reach out to your heart doctor in Tampa Bay if you have less than a 30 day supply.
If You Begin Displaying Symptoms
If you begin displaying symptoms of the coronavirus (fever, cough, and shortness of breath), you should contact your heart doctor in Tampa Bay for medical advice. If your symptoms are mild, you may be able to recover at home. However, if you develop emergency warning signs of the coronavirus, you should seek immediate medical attention. Warning signs include difficulty breathing, persistent chest pain or pressure, confusion or inability to arouse, and bluish lips or face.
Related: Understanding the Signs of Congestive Heart Failure
At Ascent Cardiology Group, we know that this is a difficult and stressful time for our patients. Although there’s still a lot that we still don’t know about the coronavirus, the situation can only improve as the virus is studied, treated, and eventually cured. The professionals at Ascent Cardiology Group will always be here to help you in any way we can.
Related: Understanding the Signs of Congestive Heart Failure
At Ascent Cardiology Group, we know that this is a difficult and stressful time for our patients. Although there’s still a lot that we still don’t know about the coronavirus, the situation can only improve as the virus is studied, treated, and eventually cured. The professionals at Ascent Cardiology Group will always be here to help you in any way we can.
To consult the best heart doctor in Tampa Bay from Ascent Cardiology Group, please request an appointment today.
Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for general educational purposes only. All content and media on the Ascent Cardiology Group website does not constitute professional medical advice nor is the information intended to replace the services of Ascent Cardiology Group or other qualified medical professionals. If you believe you are having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.
The content, views, and opinions communicated on this website do not represent the views of Ascent Cardiology Group. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk. Although this website contains links to other medical websites, this is strictly for informational purposes. Ascent Cardiology Group is not responsible nor do they approve of the content featured on any third party linked websites referenced on this website.
The content, views, and opinions communicated on this website do not represent the views of Ascent Cardiology Group. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk. Although this website contains links to other medical websites, this is strictly for informational purposes. Ascent Cardiology Group is not responsible nor do they approve of the content featured on any third party linked websites referenced on this website.
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